
奖学金的名字 & 奖学金的描述
薪资优势/高文奖学金 -每学期授予全日制学生, non-traditional students who are graduates of an Aroostook County high school 学习成绩良好 with demonstrated financial needs, this scholarship was established by Ray and Sandy Gauvin and Advantage Payroll Services.

Agnes Lindsay信托 ——《mg游戏平台》. 林赛的信任, annually awards scholarships to each of the seven colleges within the 缅因州 Community College System. Each recipient must be a resident from rural 缅因州 and have demonstrated financial need.

Alpha Beta Gamma奖学金 -由NMCC Alpha Beta Gamma分会筹集资金于2018年成立, 这项奖学金是为学习商业或会计专业的优秀学生提供的.

优秀奖 - This cash award was established by an anonymous donor who was positively affected bth personally and professionally by several NMCC graduates. 每年春天, 学院提名两名即将毕业的大四学生,他们在所有领域都表现出高标准的卓越表现-使用良好的判断力, 成功, 对同伴表现出慷慨, 创造性地思考, 表现出诚实和正直——同时激励他人.

B. Jean和Floyd L. 哈丁的奖学金 -通过哈丁夫妇留下的慈善剩余恒信基金成立, 这项奖学金的起始金额为50多万美元,专为普莱斯克岛高中的毕业生设立. Mr. 哈丁是缅因州立法机构建立东北缅因职业学院的推动者和成员之一, NMCC的前身.

贝琳达·塞沃尔·佩奇纪念奖学金 -这个奖学金 is awarded to a student who either attended a Head Start program as a child and/or is enrolled in the early childhood education program at NMCC.

小布莱恩·艾伦·巴克. 纪念奖学金 -由NMCC员工于2020年成立, faculty and friends in memory of Brian who tragically died in a snowmobile accident at the age of 25. 布莱恩毕业于NMCC的管道和供暖专业. 该奖学金每年秋季颁发给管道、供暖或电气工程专业的高年级学生.

布莱恩·C. 詹姆斯纪念奖学金 - The mg游戏试玩 holds the assets of this scholarship that rotates among 5 缅因州 Community Colleges. Students enrolled in an automotive/mechanical or civil engineering technology program with satisfactory academic progress and demonstrated financial need are eligible.

布莱恩·C. 金缕梅 -这个奖学金 is annually awarded by the Lumber Dealers Association of 缅因州. The recipient must be a first-year, full-time students in a construction program. 如果学生是零售木材协会相关企业的家庭成员,将优先考虑. The award is made in the fall and the funds are split over the fall and spring semesters.

建筑行业奖学基金 - Established in 2021 by an anonymous donor to provide a scholarship to a deserving student who seeks an opportunity to build a career in Aroostook County. 学生应该注册一个建筑贸易项目.

巴斯达/卡尔森家庭奖学金 -对所有学生开放, 根据经济需要和学术成绩进行选择, 该奖学金由巴斯达和卡尔森家族于2005年设立.

驯鹿扶轮社奖学金 -由北美驯鹿扶轮社于1992年创立, this scholarship is awarded to Caribou High School graduates who are attending NMCC. The award is need-based and goes to an individual who shows significant promise.

卡尔 & 莉莲·拉斯穆森奖学金 - This memorial scholarship is for a student in the nursing program at NMCC who has demonstrated dedication to school and/or community service.

卡洛的草坪 & 物业维修公司. 奖学金 -该基金的重点是奖励居住在阿鲁斯托克县学习成绩良好的积极进取的学生.

卡森/克拉克护理奖学金 - Created for students in the nursing and allied health department by NMCC employees and alumni, 该奖学金授予玛格丽特·卡森和贝蒂·鲍奇·克拉克, 两位长期担任系主任的前任.

中央阿鲁斯托克EMS奖学金 - Established to aid individuals enrolled in NMCC's emergency medical services program who reside in Blaine, 火星山, 布里奇沃特, E. 种植园或蒙蒂塞洛.

幼崽 & 迪·康登奖学金 - After her grandparents instilled the importance of hard work and an education, NMCC的一名员工和毕业生为纪念他们而设立了这项奖学金. This award aids students enrolled in either a business program or the CDL program, 这与幼崽和Dee的长期职业生涯有关.

戴尔P. & 克里斯托弗·P. 国家奖学金 -为了纪念一对父子而建立的, this scholarship is for full-time Aroostook County residents with demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to those enrolled in the diesel hydraulics program followed by those in the 建筑施工 或管道 and 加热程序.

Dana E. McGlauflin奖学金 -通过先生的遗产成立. 麦克格劳弗林长期担任该学院的业务经理, 该基金支持阿鲁斯托克县的学生参加学位课程,并保持良好的学术地位, 表现出对社区的参与,并表现出高尚的道德品质.

大卫L. 柯伦纪念奖学金 - This award, designated for non-traditional students enrolled in the computer networking & 技术项目,纪念一位在2022年意外去世的校友. Mr. 柯伦在获得两个计算机科学相关学位后,在计算机技术领域取得了成功.

Dickinson-McBreairty纪念奖学金 - Established in honor and memory of the late James and Doris (Dickinson) McBreairty, 还有这对夫妇的父母. 该基金每年向有经济需要的学生颁发奖学金, 优先考虑来自Perham的居民, 韦德和沃什伯恩.

Dirigo FFA/Nutrite奖学金 -由Dirigo FFA Foundation, Inc .捐赠成立., the scholarship is for NMCC students who are Aroostook County residents and are either a former FFA student or a student from a farm family enrolled in the 工商管理 program or the diesel hydraulics program.

德沃德 & 莉莉安·霍夫曼奖学金 -向长期担任NMCC主席致敬, this scholarship was established through donations from employees and other college friends upon Dr. 霍夫曼的退休. 平均成绩不低于3分的学生优先.参加校园活动的人.

E. 佩林·埃德蒙兹奖学金 -由Phyllis Dake于2003年创立,以纪念她的兄弟, 他是费尔菲尔德堡的州议员,在获得建立这所学院的资金方面发挥了关键作用, 该奖学金颁发给来自Aroostook县的学习成绩良好且有经济需要的学生.

爱德华M. 惠兰纪念奖学金 -为了纪念1982年SMCC废水技术项目的毕业生, this scholarship was transferred from the SMCC Foundation to the mg游戏试玩 to benefit students enrolled in the water treatment program.

艾米莉亚·弗兰尼根纪念奖学金 -由邓文迪女士的遗产资助. Flannigan, 这项奖学金是为梅普尔顿镇的学生设立的, 城堡山或查普曼,并根据证明的经济需求授予.

菲尔兹不动产纪念奖学金 -为纪念Lee Scott Fields, Jr .于2022年成立. 和老李·斯科特·菲尔兹. 谁创立了Fields Realty, LLC. 因为这家公司是做房地产生意的, 这项年度奖学金将惠及阿鲁斯托克县参加建筑行业项目的学生.

弗朗西斯·E. Dorsey奖学金 -这个奖学金 was established by Geraldine Dorsey in memory of her late husband, 弗朗西斯, and is awarded annually to a student whose gender is under-represented in a trade program.

弗兰克·拉比奖学金 - This fund honors the life of a 33-year dining service employee who lost his battle with cancer in 2012 after befriending many students, 同事和导师. Frank was a graduate of the automotive technology program but turned to a career in dining services after developing a love for it through his student work-study job at then, NMVTI. 该奖学金是为阿鲁斯托克县有经济需要的居民学生指定的.

G. 梅尔文 & 菲利斯·J·. 霍维奖学金 -该奖学金颁发给来自Aroostook县的学生, 在考虑了他们对大学教育的兴趣程度之后, 他们为大学生活和社会做出贡献的潜力, 以及他们高尚道德品质的体现.

吉恩·哈斯奖学金 ——尤金·哈斯, 加州哈斯自动化公司的创始人兼总裁, awards numerous scholarships through his foundation for CNC machinist training in high schools, 社区大学和职业学校. 在NMCC注册的CNC学生可能有资格获得此奖学金.

普通捐赠奖学金 - A number of scholarships are given to students each year based on academic performance and financial need. 这些都是通过奖学金捐赠所赚取的利息来实现的,而这些利息并不是专门为奖学金指定的.

乔治•布什(George W. 斯科特/缅因互惠奖学金 -这个奖学金 was established through donations from MMG Insurance and is intended for a student of good academic standing who is enrolled in a program within the Business 技术部门.

州长詹姆斯·B. 龙利奖学金 -本奖项由州长James B. 朗利奖学金基金会每年颁发两份奖学金. 目的是为同一名学生在NMCC注册的两年中每年提供支持.

哈罗德 & 多萝西·高斯纪念奖学金 -这个奖学金 was initially founded in 2003 by 哈罗德 in memory of his wife. 2014年哈罗德去世后, 该奖学金是在2015届毕业生的帮助下授予的. 该奖项开放给有经济需要的积极进取的学生, 优先考虑阿鲁斯托克县居民.

哈罗德·G. 阳光奖学金 -该基金通过提供奖学金来支付学费,使阿鲁斯托克县汽车技术项目的学生受益, 书, 工具设备.

赫伯特奖学金 -为了纪念艾伯特, 玛格丽特和辛迪·赫伯特, 该奖项每年颁发一次,以帮助进入NMCC第二学期的有经济需要的学生.

霍尔顿中心奖学金 - Students enrolled through NMCC's off-campus center in Houlton may qualify for this award if they take a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester, 证明经济需要, display academic potential and show promise of benefiting from an education based on recommendations from high school/college staff or others.

伊恩·R. 萨瑟兰纪念奖学金 -授予柴油液压专业一年级学生, 这个纪念基金最初是由朋友们的礼物建立的,后来在伊恩发生悲惨事故后的几周内,家人给了他礼物.

约翰L. 马丁奖学金 -为纪念缅因州一位长期的立法领袖而建立, 这项奖学金帮助阿鲁斯托克县的学生参加贸易项目, 优先考虑单身父母和退伍军人.

约瑟夫 & 丽贝卡·麦克劳克林奖学金 -麦克劳克林夫妇都是麻省理工学院的毕业生. McLaughlin从31年的教学生涯中退休 & 技术部门. These funds are designated to support Aroostook County residents who have a minimum of 3.平均绩点为0,就读于电气工程专业 & 维护或网络管理和网络安全程序.

卡塔丁信托公司奖学金 -每年秋天由Katahdin信托公司每年捐赠, this scholarship is designated for a low-income student residing in Aroostook County.

拉里 & 奥黛丽·锡伯杜奖学金 -这个奖学金 established by the late Audrey Thibodeau provides educational assistance to Aroostook County residents who are seeking education and training in a medical-related field.

拉里一. Langille奖学金 -由朗吉尔家族成员建立, 这项奖学金颁发给全日制就读贸易专业的学生.

拉里 Cowett纪念奖学金 -授予汽车专业二年级学生, 汽车技术专业学生优先考虑. 普莱斯克岛居民或普莱斯克岛高中毕业生也将优先考虑, 这所学校也是他的母校. Cowett attended before going on to work in his family's automotive repair business.

林伍德 & 多洛雷斯·雷蒙德纪念奖学金 -雷蒙德家族建立的, 该奖学金是为文科课程的二年级学生提供的,基于经济需要.

劳埃德·邓肯奖学金 -授予电气或电子专业的大四学生, this scholarship was established in 1996 by Thelma Swain and named after a former instructor at the college.

马奇亚斯储蓄银行奖学金 -该基金是通过macachias储蓄银行的捐赠建立的,旨在帮助aroostok的优秀学生, 佩诺布斯科特, Washington or Hancock Counties who are enrolled in a business-related field of study. The fund is used to provide scholarships and/or awards to fund tuition, 书, tools, and equipment.

缅因州马铃薯委员会奖学金 -由马铃薯税基金拨款资助, the scholarship is for 缅因州 residents having direct connection to the 缅因州 potato growing industry, 通过他们自己或他们的直系亲属(父母), 子女或兄弟姐妹).

缅因州马铃薯种植者奖学金 -通过缅因州马铃薯种植者的承诺于2008年成立, 这个基金为学生提供学费支持, 书, 工具和/或设备.

小马文·塔博斯. 纪念奖学金 - 2013年至今, the Low XII Riders of Central 缅因州 have held an annual ride in honor of one of their own members, 小马文·塔博斯. 他在2011年的一次游行中不幸遇难,当时他正在与阿纳神社汽车部队一起表演. 通过这些摩托车之旅筹集的资金将用于NMCC电气课程第二学期的学生, 就是马文工作过的那块地.

玛丽玛克辛 & 查尔斯•维. 生奖学金 -由Charles Eber于2000年创立,以纪念他已故的妻子, 该奖学金以他的名字重新命名. 希伯去世了. The award provides assistance so a student can achieve his or her educational goals.

马修·特恩布尔的梦想成真奖学金 -由家人和朋友建立,以纪念马修, this scholarship assists two eligible students annually who are enrolled in the Trade and 技术部门 just like Matthew had been. One recipient must be a first-year student who graduated from Caribou High School and one must be a second-year student who is a native of Aroostook County.

混纺棉奖学金 -于2019年由Kevin J. 来纪念他的高中记帐老师, 混合泳的棉花, this scholarship is designated for Presque Isle High School graduates majoring in accounting.

梅兰妮·简·斯图尔特纪念奖学金 -由已故的梅兰妮·简·斯图尔特的三个孩子为纪念她而建立. GPA达到2分的学生优先考虑.5岁或以上,即将进入学习项目的第二年. 该基金的重点是奖励学术成就和社区参与. 接受者必须表现出帮助他人的愿望, 带着创造积极影响的意图去领导, 我也亲身经历过癌症带来的痛苦.

老迈克尔·凯利. 奖学金 -该基金表彰NMCC校友和前mg游戏试玩董事会成员,他是商科毕业生. The scholarship is awarded annually to a student enrolled in either 工商管理 or accounting.

麦克和海蒂社区基金奖学金 - This fund was established in honor and memory of Michael Kitchen and Heidi Pratt, 他们都是阿鲁斯托克南部社区的活跃成员, 谁在2013年惨遭谋杀. The award is designated for students enrolled in automotive technology or early childhood education who were previous graduates of high schools or home schools in the Southern Aroostook area.

Misc. 直通奖学金 -该基金追踪一次性捐款和若干定期年度捐款,指定作为各种奖学金发放. These gifts are not invested; instead they are disbursed in their entirety according to the donor's wishes. Pass-through scholarships are often established in memory of a loved one or are established by an organization or private foundation wishing to support NMCC students.

米奇·西尔纪念奖学金 -纪念米切尔P. 老年痴呆, this scholarship is for a traditional student who is an Aroostook County resident, 优先考虑普莱斯克岛高中毕业生. 该奖学金基于经济需求和令人满意的学术成绩,并表现出学习和成功的愿望.

NMCC风电奖学金 -每年由匿名捐赠者捐赠, 该奖项旨在支持与风力发电行业相关的劳动力. Students enrolled in the wind power certificate program are eligible to receive this award if they are in good academic standing and have unmet financial need.

北极光AR古尔德/玛吉海恩斯纪念奖学金 -这个奖学金, 由一群护理专业人员资助, 医务人员和医院董事, 是为了纪念马姬·海恩斯, 阿鲁斯托克医疗中心的长期护士. 符合条件的学生必须注册在护理计划至少3.平均绩点25分,并计划毕业后在阿鲁斯托克县实习.

北极光基金会-艾琳·香农基金奖学金 -由北极光健康基金会捐款提供, 这个奖项是为护理专业的学生设立的.

巴黎J. 雪奖学金 -由Willetta 'Billy' Snow为纪念她的丈夫Pat而创立, this scholarship is for a full-time student who is an Aroostook County resident and shows significant promise as well as demonstrated financial need. Pat Snow was an enthusiastic supporter of vocational technical education in 缅因州, 特别是在NMCC. He was one of the original incorporators of the Foundation and served as its first president.

保拉·米肖纪念奖学金 - Established in 2022 to honor a local nurse's involvement with NMCC nursing students and faculty, this scholarship will benefit second-year registered nursing students in memory of a well-loved mentor, 导师和朋友.

彼得G. 亨特,老. 纪念奖学金 -联合保险集团在刘先生意外去世后成立. 亨特作为对他的记忆和遗产的致敬. 该奖学金的标准包括GPA达到3分.0 or higher and being enrolled in the second semester in a business, nursing or trade program.

Phi Theta Kappa奖学金 -由参与Phi Theta Kappa校园分会的NMCC学生资助, 两年制大学学生的国际荣誉协会, 此奖学金专为PTK会员提供.

菲利普·帕克纪念奖学金 -为了纪念当地一位自学成才的电子企业老板,Mr. Parker placed great value on education and took great pride in the support he provided to staff and students in the computer electronics program. 该奖学金为第二年奖学金, 学制良好的全日制电子课程学生, with preference given to students studying Network Administration and Cybersecurity.

普莱斯克岛扶轮社奖学金 -由普雷斯克岛扶轮社资助, this scholarship is intended for full-time students who are graduates of Presque Isle High School and who have demonstrated financial need.

理查德韦恩韦斯特纪念奖学金 ——2000年退休时, 为了纪念迪克·韦斯特,大学员工和校友们设立了这项奖学金, 在NMCC担任了25年的贸易和技术系主任. The award is designated for a student pursuing an education in a trade and technology program.

瑞克 & 玛丽莲Nadeau /&L建筑公司. 奖学金 -该奖学金为建筑工程专业的二年级学生提供经济援助.

罗伯特·布莱克莫尔奖学金 -由NMCC员工和校友为纪念Robert Blackmore而为商业技术系的学生创建的, 曾任NMCC计算机信息系统讲师.

罗伯塔J. 丁华纪念奖学金 - -这项奖学金是由罗尔斯夫人设立的. 在她的遗嘱里写明. 接受者必须是Presque岛高中的毕业生,并且在全日制贸易课程中注册时具有良好的学术地位.

)及奖学金 -也是在县学院运动期间建立的, 这个奖项是为会计专业的学生颁发的.

史密斯农场奖学金 -由家族农业企业创立, this award is designated for Aroostook County residents enrolled in either accounting, 工商管理, 柴油液压或焊接.

SOHAF2奖学金 - An MCCS Workforce Development 奖学金 funded by the 哈罗德 Alfond Foundation. 学生直接通过阿尔方基金会申请该奖项,并要求在附属工作场所工作.

Sturdivant岛金枪鱼锦标赛奖学金 - 20多年了, the SITT Charitable Foundation raised funds through an annual fishing tournament to support students at each of the seven community colleges in 缅因州. 该奖学金颁发给缅因州居民的NMCC学生, 有未满足的经济需求, 学习成绩良好.

阳光健康奖学金 -通过匿名的10美元建立的,2009年,阳光恩人捐赠了1万英镑, 该基金的奖学金是根据经济需要为护理和联合卫生部门的学生指定的.

SW柯林斯公司奖学金 -这个奖学金 fund was established by the SW Collins Company during The Campaign for the County's College and is for a student in a building trades program.

道明银行奖学金 -由道明银行高尔夫球锦标赛筹集的资金继续资助,以造福mg游戏试玩, 该奖学金颁发给商业技术系的传统学生,他们是缅因州居民,并且有未满足的需求.

特里一个. 斯普拉格纪念奖学金 - Established in 2020 in memory of a long-time truck driver who was known for the wonderful painting detail and repair that he did on vehicles, this award is designated for graduates of Caribou High School or the Caribou Adult Education Program. 每年有一名学生参加汽车碰撞修理课程,另一名学生参加商业驾驶课程.

塞尔玛·C. 求爱者奖学金 -该奖学金指定给参加对阿鲁斯托克县有影响的项目的学生, 护理专业的学生优先考虑, 建筑施工, 或管道 & 加热程序. 在她去世之前. Swain endowed a scholarship at each of the seven colleges of the 缅因州 Community College System.

汤姆 & 贝蒂K. 柯南特奖学金 -这个基金是由汤姆 Conant和他的妻子捐赠成立的, 贝蒂Kent-Conant, 谁是NMCC护理学的前任主席 & 联合保健署. The annual award is split between a student pursuing a degree in nursing or a health-related field and a student in electrical construction and maintenance, 优先考虑来自阿鲁斯托克县的学生.

U. 约瑟夫·海德里希二世纪念奖学金 -每年由普雷斯克岛扶轮社管理的基金资助, 该奖项每年春季发放给符合条件的NMCC学生.

Versant Power奖学金 - Originally set up in 1998 through donations from the former 缅因州 Public Service Company and Emera 缅因州, 该奖学金适用于学习商业或贸易相关课程的学术成绩良好的学生.

威廉G. 埃格勒职业道德基金 -通过15美元建立,北卡罗来纳大学学生会捐赠了1万美元, this fund supports a campus-based student work program by providing wages for students in administrative or operational support jobs at NMCC. 2021年,该基金更名,以纪念霍金博士. 埃格勒在为学院服务了40年后退休.

威尔逊H. 克拉克纪念基金 - 2020年由三兄弟姐妹为纪念父亲而创作, 他是当地长期的伐木工,也是阿什兰威尔逊克拉克货运公司的老板, 缅因州. 这项津贴支持有经济需要并参加机械化测井作业计划的学生.